Saturday, December 7, 2013

In time for...




Yes today we had the first snow of the season and strangely enough it was a bit unexpected. This week we had quite an exciting week as we had a huge storm and for the second time this year I had to send people away from work as public transport was closing. This tim sit was students and I do hope that they came home safe as things were quite on the scary side. Now a couple elf days later, the wind is finally more normal and this morning there was snow… Now I know it will be probably gone by Monday, but for this moment I actually enjoy it…snow…crispy cold morning and new mittens :-)




These mittens are comfy mittens, knit from Blue Sky Alpacas alpaca sport weight, maybe not the sturdiest yarn to knit mittens from, but as I am not that likely to engage in a snowball fight it is perfectly fine. They are so soft and so warm, and so , well elegant..


The pattern is from Blue Sky Alpacas too. Not very well visible in the photos, is the Latvian Loop edge these mittens have. It was a bit fiddly and I didn’t get the directions, until I just did as written down, and presto, a frilly edge on the mittens…neat.

More Latvian things on my next project, Bird in Hand mittens, with Latvian braids… also fiddly, but also very nice. Bit sturdier wool this time Plymouth Yarn Galway worsted, an honest wool, knitted with 3 mm to get sturdy mittens suitable for people who might end up in snow-fights...



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