It has been some time that I have been writing here, lets say it was just life…. busy at work and not really finding inspiration to write when on free time. It is certainly not that I have not been knitting. Maybe not as much as I normally do, but every day at least a couple of rows to keep me sane. Even on Ravelry I am not really that active anymore. Yes I do update my projects and occasionally I write a message on the board, but it is occasionally and not more regular than that.
Anyways the last couple of weeks I have started to make autumn/winter items. It’s not that it has been really cold yet, in fact there have been some freaky warm days, but it is getting stormy and the days are definitely much shorter, so good to make yourself more cozy. M wanted a real cozy sweater with a polo/roll neck please. September morn was deemed to be just what she wanted. I dug out some yarn from my stash, some Madelinetosh vintage tosh that I had bought at WEBS during a sale a couple of years ago. A nice straightforward knit, good for just relaxing...
Before that I made Korra for S. In that case it was the name of the pattern that caught our eyes. Actually that’s not true, it was Toph that we spotted first. During the last couple of years we have a cat that stays with us for a couple of months and then leaves. Then after a couple of months he is back and stays for a while. I am pretty sure he lives at tho households. He is nice and loves to be petted, and we gave him the name Toph, since we fought he was a female cat (which he isn’t, he is a castrated male…). Anyways Toph is the favourite character of both my children from the Last Airbender and therefore we had to check out the other patterns. S liked Korra very much, especially in the colours as in the pattern. So for once, exactly the same colours and yarn as from the pattern, and yes maybe a bit matchy matchy with her hair… Knitting this hat was real fun, short row shaping and all in garter too.